Shake Hands with the Struggle

The struggle makes you stronger. Too many of us want it easy. We want it teed up on a silver platter or all boxed up and ready made for our consumption.

If you think back, however, to your brightest days, they were probably preceded by pain, strife and anguish. If you tapped out, succumbing to fear’s foreboding hand, you’d never know how high you could climb or how close to mastery you could get.

Embrace the struggle. Let others – and there will be a line from here to the moon – find the easy way. Shake hands with difficulty when you don’t think you can take it anymore. If you push through to the other side, you’ll immediately know it was all worth it. When you stretch and sweat, you go beyond anywhere you’ve been before. 

There’s room at the top for you – if you are willing to put the work in to get there.

Until next time,

Dan Naden

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