What books I read in 2007

2007 is about to come to a close. The months tick by like the incessant tick-tock of an old grandfather clock. Cherish the years, months, day, hours, and minutes.

I certainly hope 2007 was a prosperous year for everyone in all facets (personal, professional, spiritual, emotional, and physical). I wanted to share the list of books that I completed in 2007. Here’s hoping you can find the time to read some of them in 2008. I tried to keep a nice mix of ficton/non-fiction, personal/professional, although I think I need to be more diligent around reading more non-fiction books in ’08.

Don’t forget: Always be learning; always be growing. Happy reading.

Has anyone read any of these books? How about letting the Naden’s Corner audience know about your experience?

Culture Warrior by Bill O’Reilly

Who’s Looking out for you? by Bill O’Reilly

How to Start A Conversation and Make Friends by Don Gabor

Buffettology by Mary Buffett

Tongue Fu by Sam Horn

Zen Golf by Joseph Parent

Personal Magnetism by Andrew DuBrin
The Secret by Ken Blanchard

The Likeability Factor by Tim Sanders

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Next post:
The books I’d like to read in 2008 (time permitting).
My goal: read (at least 16) books in 2008.
Stay tuned.

Dan Naden
Naden’s Corner

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