Key articles help you stay in the know

I am tracking the good stuff. You’ll stay in the know by doing one simple thing:

Read ‘Dan’s Recommended Articles‘ on Naden’s Corner. This will change weekly (if not more frequently) so come back often!!

Look for this section in the left-hand navigation:

It’s a busy world. How do I find the time? Where do I find the time?

Let’s just say it boils down to 2 points:

  1. I am VERY efficient with my time. (wake up early; set healthy habits; ‘try’ to avoid distractions)
  2. I get by with a little help from my friends (mainly my RSS feeds).

Some of the highlights from my recent finds:

Stay tuned for Dan’s Recommended Books (coming soon!)
You’ll want to check this section out.

Until next time,

Dan Naden

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