Top Golf: Defining the Golf ‘Experience’

I’ve been to a number of driving ranges. They are good places to fine-tune a few weaknesses, let out some…
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Coffee Bean: Readying for a Starbucks Fight

I love to see new brick and mortar businesses start. I get a charge out of seeing businesses do their…
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Microsoft: Windows 8 and Surface make a bold, brave statement

The last thing I want to do when I am readying to board a plane is getting sold on something.…
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How to make airports more efficient

You stare at your watch. Why didn’t I leave earlier? This car can’t go fast enough. You make a quick…
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A perilous moment in Round Rock, Texas

It’s not often that opportunity comes whizzing by your head, but on one mild spring night in Texas, it came…
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Mighty Fine Hamburgers: Now That’s Good Eatin’

Mighty Fine Hamburgers: A lunch time place with a buzz that’s strong as an alarm clock at 6am. When I…
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When Twitter Does Not Work

I was at a local conference recently and everyone was ‘Tweeting’. Laptops, Iphones, and Blackberries were ablaze with quick posts…
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LaCoste: A Brand on the Rebound

Moms are special. I truly believe that the job of ‘Mom’ is the toughest in the world. To celebrate the…
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