Got Attitude?

I am reading a fine book right now titled, “Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Gold Book of YES Attitude: How to Find, Build, and Keep a YES Attitude for a Lifetime of SUCCESS.”

Gitomer is typically known for his work with sales motivation and sales training, but his transition to personal growth, development, and success does not miss a beat.

I am only a few pages into the book, yet already I am thrilled with the choice that I made to invest time into this book.

Gitomer talks about not just having a positive attitude (and most of us who think we have a positive attitude actually don’t) but having a YES attitude. The YES attitude is the place where we are when we win the race, close the sale, get the new job, buy our first house. Can we have these ‘moments’ all the time and not just when these seemingly more significant events transpire?

His mantra is clear:
The most important person in the world is you; it is not your customer, your Mom, your Dad, your wife, your dog, your great aunt. He artfully claims that if we love, understand, and truly believe in ourselves ALL THE TIME we are much more capable to serve and connect with others.

There’s negativity everywhere in this world (just turn on CNN for 15 minutes…).
We have a choice, however, as to how we will react to the events around us.

Are there people at work who are downers? Are they always pessimistic?
Then don’t associate with them….

Find those ‘spirit lifters’ in the office and associate your self with them, bond with them, take them to lunch. Help each other get where you want to go by believing in one another.

It sounds hokey, but Gitomer believes that we can have a YES attitude all of the time.
Don’t just wait to win the next ‘race’. Say YES now. Say YES tomorrow. Say YES for the rest of your life.

Until next time,

Dan Naden

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