5 Days of Fearless Living: Day 4 – Be Responsible

Yesterday, we talked about stretching beyond the familiar, taking a small step to ‘change it up’. This modification could be as small as taking a different route to school or switching your career from a chemist to an actor.5 days of fearless living

Now, we’ve arrived at Day 4 of living fearlessly. Today, we’ll dive into ‘being responsible’. Being responsible seems to be at direct odds with stretching beyond the familiar, yet there’s a subtle, important difference. Being responsible can take many forms as part of your day. It could be picking up after yourself when leaving a campground or cleaning your room before departing for school or work. For professionals, it could mean erasing the whiteboard when you are finished with a key meeting or leaving the lunch break room a little cleaner for the next person.

Think ‘do the right thing’ when being responsible. This doesn’t translate to ‘act conservatively’ in all that you do; some of my best learnings have occurred when I took a risk. But it does mean to follow your nation’s laws and guidelines for safe living.

Stretching beyond the familiar means attempting something that scares you (public speaking or an acting class); it doesn’t mean breaking laws, disrespecting people or damaging property.

Be responsible in all you think, say, or do and you are on your way to living fearlessly.

Until next time,

Dan Naden

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