Start Today at Becoming the Master of your Craft
“I’ll never get better, so why should I start?

Michael Jordan may have once entertained this thought before picking up a basketball for the first time. JK Rowling fancied this notion before she picked up a pen to craft her very first sentence. Jimi Hendrix danced with this concept before understanding the difference between his guitar’s E string and A string.
The bottom line: you’ll never become a master of your craft (swimming, coding, writing, singing, building) unless you put in the time. Forget your fears and start today in becoming more than you could ever dream.
It excites me to know that the next Rembrandt, Einstein, Dylan, Gates, Jobs or Lincoln might be next to me at work, or living in the house next door in my neighborhood. No one gave the giants of our age a free pass to excellence – they worked at it tirelessly. Now’s your time – go!
Until next time,
Dan Naden