The 4 Keys to Unlocking Your Value: Part 2 – Purpose
The word conjures up a picture of a valiantly defiant general forging up the hill into a field of battle. His outnumbered troops, scared and bewildered by the task ahead, move together as one. Odds for survival are long, yet they believe in the course set by their leader — they believe in their purpose.
Purpose is the Olympic gymnast who sacrifices friendships, hobbies, and activities to pursue her dream of making her country’s team. When she’s beyond tired, her body worn and battered by fatigue, she breathes deeply before catapulting into an incredibly dangerous tumbling pass. Her purpose is clear: she pushes hard to fulfill her dream of being an Olympic gymnast.
Are you fulfilling your purpose? Perhaps your gifts aren’t being put to use on a daily basis? Or are you ‘going through the motions’ until something better comes along? Sadly, this is often the case. Many wait passively instead of leaning into a positive change.

The statistics for employee disengagement are startling. According to Dale Carnegie, a stout 71% of today’s workforce are in some form of disengagement with their work life – either not engaged or actively disengaged. Think of the waste. Sense the dissatisfaction. Consider the missed opportunities. Ponder what our GDP could be with a tuned in workforce.
Want to get closer to your purpose? Reflect back on a time in your career when you were plugged in. You didn’t ‘watch the clock’; you watched and made results happen. You lost track of time as you worked freely with colleagues to shatter a sales record or launch an innovative product to a receptive market.
Purpose doesn’t just happen. You have to make a change to move closer to your purpose. No one else can do this for you.
This ball’s in your court. What are you going to do with it?
Until next time,
Dan Naden