3 Tips to Memorable Presentations

I had a chance to hear Geoff Ramsey, CEO and co-founder of E-marketer speak the other day at a fine Austin Interactive Marketing Association session at the tony UT club on the campus of the University of Texas.

Geoff impressed everyone with his take on the future of interactive marketing.

As I was engaged in Geoff’s presentation, I realized that there are 3 main tips to memorable presentations:

1. Use PowerPoint to make it POW!!
Powerpoint is not a necessity for a great speech, (or even a good one for that matter) but Geoff used plenty of imagery, motion, and video to make each slide resonate. Thankfully, we did not have to suffer through bulletpoints and text. Nicely done.

2. Be funny
We all love to laugh. Geoff had us rolling right from the start. And when some jokes didn’t work (and some inevitably won’t), Geoff did not take himself too seriously and moved on. He took chances with his humor and the audience appreciated it.

3. Converse with the audience
Geoff routinely asked the audience questions, gauged reaction, and was generous with his eye contact. It was refreshing to see him enjoying his position in front of the welcoming audience.
He may have been speaking to 100, but it felt like he was talking to me.

Happy Speaking!!

Until next time,
Dan Naden
Naden’s Corner

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