Why You Should Watch the Super Bowl

It’s the day before the big game. People around the world are gathering their chips, sandwiches, beer, and soda for the annual rite of passage: The Super Bowl.

Sure, the Pats may be on the brink of perfection, but one huge reason that many casual sports fans watch the Super Bowl is the commercials.

It is extremely interesting to see what companies will do with a 30-second spot that costs them around $2.5M.

Super Bowl advertising mainstays Anheuser Busch, Pepsi, and General Motors will be there as well as the somewhat jarring messaging of Godaddy.com.

What is sometimes lost in all of this is the definition of advertising.

According to Wikipedia, “advertising is a communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products and services and how to use and obtain them,”

Sometimes it appears that companies are doing all they can to be different, unique, or wacky, but is the message really resonating with consumers? Will I remember your brand and message when I am shopping in the grocery store, electronic store, or in the new car showroom? In the hyper-segmented world, where I can reach dog lovers in Alaska or rugby fans in India through online advertising, it will be intriguing to see what companies do with the largest 30-second mouthpiece that there is available today.

This is probably the last ‘event’ where consumers aren’t Tivo-ing their way through the commercial breaks.

What do you think?

Until next time,
Dan Naden
Naden’s Corner

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