The Simplest Toy Instructions Ever

I am all about simplicity. Simplicity in form AND function. Simplicity that’s profound is even more captivating.

This simplicity is ever more rewarding when it comes in the form of instructions.

With Christmas still somewhat fresh in our minds, we may have come face-to-face with toy or digital electronics instructions. Collective groan emanates from the audiences; headaches appear.

We’ve all seen this scenario on TV or in the movies. Young kid excitedly opens up a toy only to realize that the fun won’t commence until the toy is put together. The parent enters the scene and begins to construct the point of the child’s affection.

Unfortunately, the toy’s instructions are excruitangly painful and overdone. The focus of the instructions are on text, not clean, concise imagery and pictures. The parent works well into the night on the toy while the child sullenly falls asleep.

It wasn’t this way in our household this past Christmas. We open the ‘MULA Bead Roller Coaster’ from IKEA, the brilliant store with marvelous products at every turn. I’ve marveled at the directness and understandability of the instructions.

Within minutes, our little boy was connecting with his new toy. Toy product manufacturers take note: keep it simple and you’ll get more ‘free’ advertising like this!!
Until next time,
Dan Naden
Naden’s Corner
(Image credited to Ikea — thanks.)
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