5 Things to NOT do at your company’s next trade show — Part 1

We’ve all worked trade shows at one point or another in our careers. It’s an easy gig, right? Stand there, talk to a few people, hand out a few goodies, and then wine and dine some customers or prospects.

If your company knew this is all you did, they’d have a serious problem. Engaging solely in these behaviors is hazardous for your future and your business’.

Here are the 5 behaviors you should NOT do at your company’s next trade show:

  1. Check your phone while working the booth
    I know – your friends just must see the pic you just snapped in the conference hall. If you absolutely, positively must pin something to Instagram, walk far, far away from your booth and pin away. Your company is paying you to represent the company professionally, make new contacts, answer questions from attendees about their challenges and how your product or service can help. As hard as it will be for some, keep the phone in your pocket or backpack.
  1. Create an environment that makes it difficult for attendees to talk with you
    People do the strangest things. I recently attended an event where the vendor had a set of speakers that continually played a voiceover loop of the company’s overview, mission and product specs. I walked up to the vendor and asked: “What do you do?” Instead of turning off the speakers, or giving me the ‘shh’ sign while pointing at the speakers, he tried to outduel the speaker with his loud, booming voice. After a few minutes of indecipherable babble from the well-intentioned vendor expert, I walked away from the booth with little direction as to how they could solve my problems.

Stay tuned for #3 and #4 of the ‘Things NOT to do at your company’s next trade show’.

Until next time,

Dan Naden


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