Don’t Over Engineer Your Elevator Pitch

You walk into a crowded conference hall. The air in the exhibit hall seems to stand still. If you wanted…
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Get personal and watch a person light up

The scene: Two workers decompress over a beer at a local conference’s happy hour. “So, what do you do?” says…
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Tell a good story and you’ve got a customer for life

I have plenty of fun doing nighttime baths with the kids. In kids’ bathtubs, animals, boats, floating books take up…
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You are not going to believe this

“Because the hook brings you back I ain’t telling you no lie. The hook brings you back On that you…
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Pull up a chair and talk with your customer

Peel back the vulnerabilities of a person and you discover his true self. If you keep your eyes and mind…
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Audience 101: Talk with us, not at us

Shortly after the calendar flipped from 2010 to 2011, our family attended our neighborhood’s church for an uplifting Sunday morning…
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Team meetings: Despite the pushback, keep having them

In a global world, you’ll typically work with professionals that are time zones apart. You’ll sip your morning coffee and…
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You’ll miss the point if you talk too much

I’ve spoken with quite a few salespeople over the years. I’ve learned interesting tidbits from sales representatives near and far:…
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An Opportune Time to Shut the Ipod Off

I like my Ipod. I am cool with my Ipod. My Ipod and I bond on the trail, treadmill, and…
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