It’s the people that count

I’ve been around more product launches/refreshes/reworks than I can remember. Each experience introduces its own unique pitfalls and opportunities. Throughout…
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Tell a good story and you’ve got a customer for life

I have plenty of fun doing nighttime baths with the kids. In kids’ bathtubs, animals, boats, floating books take up…
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Make them remember the key points, not the pizazz

You sit down in your seat, awaiting the presenter to start his magic. You’ve been in this position enough before…
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You are not going to believe this

“Because the hook brings you back I ain’t telling you no lie. The hook brings you back On that you…
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Play a game of Hide and Go Seek with your customers

Ready or not here I come. The moment this phrase is written or heard, you know its context: Hide and…
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A missed opportunity for airports

Is there an opportunity to create a ‘real-time/face-to-face’ network within airports? Connecting with associates and friends over LinkedIn or Facebook…
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Give the dog an effectively-marketed bone

A yellow bundle of energy (dog) arrived at our house a few months ago. She’s cuddly, adorable, and sleeps more…
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A manual or no manual; that is the question

My parents jumped into this techie world with both feet. They purchased a slick, responsive Droid phone. I had a…
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Intellivision to Facebook: Gaming grows up

I’ve never been a good video game player. Dainis, my friend from down the street, used to beat me soundly…
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You scream, I scream..we’d like to scream for Baskin Robbins, but…

I have many pleasant memories that center around ice cream. My brother and I feverishly collecting those miniature baseball helmets…
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Believe you can’t get noticed with direct mail? Think again.

Looking across the headlines these days, there are some highly-evident truisms: There’s strife in the Middle East Our elected leaders…
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Pull up a chair and talk with your customer

Peel back the vulnerabilities of a person and you discover his true self. If you keep your eyes and mind…
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The power of buttered popcorn

People don’t go to the movie theatre to eat carrots and celery sticks. Part of the ‘experience’ is sinfully consuming…
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It’s fun; it’s nearly free; it’s jump rope.

Thankfully, I’ve always been a devotee of exercise. Most mornings, I rise before the sun and raise the heart rate…
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What did CBS do wrong with March Madness?

The nets are all cut down. The champion has been crowned in one dreadfully sloppy game. 68 hopeful, optimistic, energetic…
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Apple’s best advertisers are its customers

I have a confession to make: I don’t own an iPhone. Go ahead call me an anomaly. I own a…
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There’s a story inside each one of us. Let it breathe.

I recently returned from an international flight that had me feeling like a withered raisin. You know the feeling? Altitude’s…
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Randall’s brings reason to a 3-ring grocery shopping circus

Have you seen this before? The scene is your local grocer. Mom or Dad scrambles for the groceries while their…
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Does your advertising help us feel the sand and hear the surf?

I was cruising through my day when the advertising arrived. The number of messages that we receive on a daily…
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Using Psychology to Get People to Choose You

There are a few guarantees in the life of marketing. Most companies shout, yet very few companies listen. Your customers…
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