Play a game of Hide and Go Seek with your customers
Ready or not here I come.
The moment this phrase is written or heard, you know its context: Hide and Go Seek.
When I have some free time, there’s nothing better than playing a game of hide and go seek with my children.

My daughter’s on a mission to find the best hiding spot in the house. She’s hid under the bed, in the closet, behind the chair – all without making a whisper of noise. My son still hasn’t mastered the concept. He proudly announces his location after hiding.
It’s a great and treasured moment when you finally find the ‘hider’. You scour every corner and crevice before opening that secret door, and saying, “There you are!”
Can you surprise your customers in a lucky and memorable fashion? Can you have them open an e-mail, pick up the phone, read a blog post, and think, “Wow, this company really cares about me. I can’t believe it.”
How about trying these tips when you want to transition your customers from ‘ho-hum’ to ‘fiercely loyal’?
- Upgrade them at no extra charge: I know the economics don’t make sense to do this for everyone, all the time. Pick a long-time customer and move him up to your next level of product and service.
- Fix their problems: Surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, customers have problems that need solving. If a customer calls your support line, don’t shuffle him around on the phone tree. Fix the issue right there, right then.
- Ask your customers how they are doing: If the only time you call your customers is for renewal, you are missing a golden opportunity. Pick up the phone and ask them how business is going. Thank them for their business and ask if there’s anything you can do to help.
The joy of ‘hide and seek’ doesn’t need to only be a part of childish fun time; your customers are ‘craving’ some spontaneity, some respite from the mundane. Deliver it today without even counting to 20. 😉
My next quest: find a spot in the house that’s hidden from even the most curious and eager eyes. “Ready or not here I come.”
Until next time,
Dan Naden